Lay down your head, 请将头枕在这边, And I'll sing you a lullaby Back to the years, Of loo-li lai-lay; 我将为您献上一首古老的摇篮曲— And I'll sing you to sleep… 我将用歌声送你至梦乡…… And I'll sing you tomorrow… 我将用歌声送你往明天…… Bless you with love,For the road that you go. 用爱祝福那条你将踏上的旅途。 May you sail fair, To the far fields of fortune, 你会远航到那个充满幸运的地方, With diamonds and pearls,At your head and your feet; 宝石和珍珠挂在你的身上,从头直垂到脚; And may you need never To banish misfortune; 任何不幸都将躲得你远远, May you find kindness,In all that you meet. 而你所到之处将充满了和谐和友好; May there always be angels,To watch over you; 你的旅途总有天使的眷顾, To guide you each step of the way; 他们将在那条路上引导你踏好每一步, To guard you and keep you,Safe from all harm;Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. 他们会守卫你照顾你,让你化险为夷,Loo-li,loo-li,lai-lay。 May you bring love,And may you bring happiness; 你将满载爱和欢乐而归, Be loved in return,To the end of your days; 所有爱的回报将伴你一生; Now, fall off to sleep, 现在,该是进入梦乡的时候, I'm not meaning to keep you, 我不会再挽留你, I'll just sit for a while,And sing loo-li, lai-lay. 我只是待在这儿小坐一会,为你唱这首Loo-li,loo-li,lai-lay。 May there always be angels,To watch over you; 你的旅途总有天使的眷顾, To guide you each step of the way; 他们将在那条路上引导你踏好每一步, To guard you and keep you,Safe from all harm; 他们会守卫你照顾你,让你化险为夷, Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. loo-li, lai-lay. Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay.